Kingdom Family Church of Daytona
"WherE WE BELEIVE God's Love and Freedom Reigns IN Our Worship, Ministry, & Personal Lives"
Standing Together and Fighting for Freedom Day by Day as a Family of God in Our Community
The saying "All Are Welcome Here" is literally what we live by, and you are welcome to come worship with us anytime!
Community Sunday Services are at 10AM on Sundays & our Cafe' opens for you to come relax and enjoy some coffee at 9:30AM.
We as the people of Father God make up the Church - We are the Kingdom Of Heaven Upon The Earth - Saved by Christ Jesus & Empowered by the Holy Spirit & Loved by Father God through ALL Things according to Matthew 28 - As we walk out our journey in Christ Jesus as He said in Matthew 19:26 “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” That Christ came for us ALL and we are ALL equal in Christ Jesus as it says in Galatians 3:28 standing together as ONE Body!
Blessings in Jesus Name and we look forward to seeing you.
THURS Small Study Group 7PM
SUN morning Cafe' 9:30AM
THURS Small Study Group 7PM SUN morning Cafe' 9:30AM
Men’s SAT-BKFST Once a month
thurs currently christian international “Spiritual gifts classes”
see SPECIAL Scheduled Services on events page or facebook events
Community Assistance
We have partners in a Tri-County Region that can assist on different levels including 2nd Harvest Food & United Ways 2.1.1 Program
Any individual or families affected economically during this time PLEASE register TODAY!
Find out more about our organization, mission, and who we are as we are here to serve you and your family.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Don't allow people or society dictate your NOT finding the true Freedom.